We believe it’s about time we talked about the Fair a bit, don’t you think so, islanders? 😉
Take a look at the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the adventure below and feel free to ask your questions in the chat or under this Facebook post if we haven't covered them yet! 👇
🔹 How do I participate in the Winter Fair festival?
At level 10, the magical sleigh will appear on the small islet at home. Click on it and set off for the grand celebration by clicking the "Travel" button.
🔹 How can I get tickets to the Fair?
You can obtain 9 tickets daily from the gift that appears every 20 hours next to the sleigh. Additionally, you can discover tickets in caches spread across the festival island, or acquire them using diamonds in the sleigh window just before traveling to the Winter Fair.
🔹 How to bring the ingredients for making the treats at the Winter Fair?
Click the sleigh on your Home Island, select "Load" from the top menu, and transfer the necessary items from your storage (on the left) to the sleigh (on the right). Travel to the fair with the loaded sleigh, and the items will be ready for cooking there.
Please note that you have to load these items onto the sleigh, not the boat!
🔹 How do I get the Christmas tree for my Home Island?
You will be able to place your own Christmas tree on your island after you complete the introductory quests at the Winter Fair.
🔹 How does the hot spring at the Winter Fair work?
The hot spring refills your strength during the festival, providing up to 2000 strength. It has a separate "tank" with a capacity of 200 strength, so after using it up, you must wait as it refills at a rate of 1 strength every 15 minutes.
🔹 How do I unlock the Island of the Far North?
Talk to the Snow Queen at the Winter Fair to unlock the adventure.
🔹 What is the reward for completing all the quests on the Island of the Far North?
The final reward is a new pet – North the husky. You can:
— Leave him on your Home Island – 1 spaghetti with meatballs. In return, he will give you 100 experience, 12 energy, 2 diamonds, and 1/2/3 firewood.
— Take him with you – 2 creams. For this option, you will receive 75 experience, 12 energy, 2 diamonds, and 1/2/3 firewood.
You will be able to interact with your pet every 1 day and 20 hours. North’s bonus is permanent – he won’t turn into decoration.
🔹 How many islands must be completed to get the main reward?
Just one – the Island of the Far North.
🔹 How can I spend elven snowflakes and queen’s snowflakes?
You can exchange your snowflakes for the various festival prizes in the shop under the "Festival" tab.
🔹 How to collect elven snowflakes?
– Complete the quests at the fair and on the Island of the Far North;
– Win at the Christmas tree’s wheel of fortune;
– Win the jackpot/double jackpot at the Christmas tree’s wheel of fortune;
– Earn in the winter competitions;
– Find them in the caches on the festival island;
– Give holiday treats to the guests at winter chalets on the festival island;
– Give cocktail chauds to the guests on the festival island;
– Decorate winter chalets on the Island of the Far North;
– Launch fireworks;
– Earn festival badges;
– Get them from the festival daily gift;
– Increase your festival level.
🔹 How to collect queen’s snowflakes?
– Complete the quests at the fair and on the Island of the Far North;
– Earn in the winter competitions;
– Win the triple jackpot at the Christmas tree’s wheel of fortune;
– Send gifts on the holiday train;
– Pass trials in frosty villages;
– Earn festival badges;
– Purchase at the Festival Shop.
🔹 What can I buy at the Festival Shop?
— Butterscotch the goat, a pet. You can:
- Leave him on your Home Island – 3 grass. In return, he will give you 250/300/350 coins, and 75 experience.
- Leave him on your Home Island – 2 banana chips. In return, he will give you 1/2 cream, 10/13/16 energy, 2 diamonds, and 150 experience.
- Take him with you – 1 jojoba. For this option, you will receive 1/2 cream, 10/13/16 energy, 2 diamonds, and 150 experience.
You will be able to interact with your pet every 1 day and 20 hours. Butterscotch’s bonus is permanent – he won’t turn into decoration.
— Igloo, Festive/Decorated/Cozy Chalet – new looks for your bungalow;
— Northern Wings – a new look for your Unicorn;
— Winter Fireworks Stand. Launch it to get experience;
— Animated decorations for your Home Island;
— Valuable resources such as florins and queen’s snowflakes;
— Decorations for your Home Island.
🔹 How to collect Magic Snow?
– Get it from the festival daily gift;
– Purchase with diamonds before entering the frosty village.
🔹 How to get Master Huang Yin’s quest?
You’ll be able to speak with him after decorating the tree on the festival island.
🔹 Do I have to launch fireworks in a frosty village?
No, it’s an extra activity, you can complete the mission there without it.
🔹 Will the Christmas tree received from elves stay on my island after the festival ends?
Elves brought this tree from a faraway northern island, so the tropical climate doesn’t quite fit it. Because of this, elves will take it back with them after the festival ends. Hopefully, they’ll bring it again next year!
🔹 I haven’t found the answer to my question!
Please feel free to ask in the comments under this Facebook post!