The festival has just started, and some of you may have questions about it – if you do, this guide is for you! 👇
🔹 How do I unlock the festival?
Plant and then harvest mustard on your Home Island to unlock the festival.
🔹 How can I travel to the festival island?
Use the hot air balloon on the small islet near your pier to visit the Festival of Colors.
🔹 How can I get tickets to the festival?
You can obtain 7 tickets daily from the gift that appears every 20 hours next to the hot air balloon. Additionally, you can acquire them using diamonds in the balloon window just before traveling to the festival.
🔹 How many islands are there?
There are two islands in total – the festival island and the Island of the Film Set.
🔹 What is the main reward?
For completing the Island of the Film Set you will get Rupa the monkey, a new pet. You can:
— Leave him – 2 banana chips. As a reward, you will receive 100 experience, 1-2 diamonds, 5-7 energy, and 4-6 palm leaves.
— Take him with you – 1 fruit salad. In return, Rupa will also give you 100 experience, 1-2 diamonds, 5-7 energy, and 4-6 palm leaves.
You can interact with the new pet every 1 day and 20 hours. He will never become a decoration.
🔹 How can I obtain Lotus Tokens?
— Increase your festival level;
— Complete introductory quests at the festival;
— Serve treats to Nuna’s grandchildren;
— Hand equipment to Fakir;
— Paint huts;
— Serve guests at the festival.
🔹 How can I obtain Elephant Tokens?
— Dress up Sandar;
— Complete the “Natural born model” questline by dressing up the elephant;
— Complete the “Vibrant patterns” questline by painting huts at the festival;
— Complete the “Colorful treats” questline by serving guests;
— Complete the “Fire show” questline by handing equipment to Fakir;
— Complete quests on the Island of the Film Set;
— Get them in the festival shop for lotus tokens;
— Participate in the Festival of Colors Competitions.
🔹 Where can I get jewelry for the elephant?
You can buy them from the traders, get them as a reward for completing the trials, or by defeating the king cobra in the hot desert.
🔹 How do I get a map to enter the hot desert through the caravan?
You can obtain 1 map a day from the gift that appears every 20 hours next to the hot air balloon or by defeating the king cobra in the desert. Alternatively, you can get it for 400 diamonds right before entering the desert.
🔹 Is it mandatory to fight the king cobra in the desert?
It is not necessary to fight the king cobra, but by defeating it you can obtain decorations for the elephant and a map to enter the hot desert through the caravan again.
🔹 Is there a way to restore strength in the hot desert?
You can find a strength-restoring source every time you travel to the desert. Please note that each Natural Grotto contains only 30 strength.
🔹 Can I exit the hot desert without losing my progress?
Once you exit the desert, the current trial closes, so when you travel there next time, there will be a different quest waiting for you.
🔹 How can I get ingredients for paints?
Most of the ingredients can be found or made at the festival, except for mustard – you need to grow it on your Home Island.
🔹 How can I bring the ingredients for making items at the festival?
Click the hot air balloon on your Home Island, select “Load” from the top menu, and transfer the necessary items from your storage (on the left) to the balloon (on the right). Travel to the festival island with the loaded hot air balloon, and the items will be ready for use there.
Please note that you have to load these items onto the balloon, not the boat!
Pro tip: You can chop down grass, stones, and clay on the festival island and then use the unpacking table to be able to use the resources right away! You can also produce flour right on the festival island in the windmill – find it near the workshop where you make paints.
🔹 How many villages are there on the festival island?
There are 3 villages with festival visitors in total – move further into the island to find them all!
🔹 I haven’t found the answer to my question!
Please feel free to ask in the comments under this Facebook post or in the chat!